Chapter 627 Such A Big Mouth

Victor's expression changed slightly. Looking at the excited woman in front of him, Victor smiled gently and said, "Buddy will be very happy."

"Yes! He has always wanted to be with Zofia. Now he can rest assured." Eden was delighted. "All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill."

However, she was really not sure of Zofia's thoughts.

Zofia was a bit stubborn. Buddy did have broken her heart.

"But Buddy can't count his chickens before they hatch. They had promised to be together forever, but he broke his vows and gave up. it will be difficult for Zofia to forgive him. We live under the same roof, and you should know Zofia's stubbornness." She was worried about this.

Victor nodded slightly. As long as the Clement family agreed, whether Buddy could win Zofia back would depend on himself. 

Eden grinned, "At least, we're making some progress. By the way, do you have any other plans here? If so, you stay here, and I'll go back to the hotel."