Chapter 629 Are You Bullying Me?

Graciella shook her head slightly and said, "I even suspect that there is something wrong with my ears."

Graciella shot a suspicious look at her.

Abigail laughed and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Aunt Jaida!"

Suddenly, Boris's cry came from upstairs. Graciella frowned and said, "What's wrong with him again? Why does he cry all the time?"

"Mom, what's wrong?" Graciella asked loudly.

Jaida, who was on the second floor, answered, "I've beaten him up."

Graciella couldn't sit still. She put on her slippers and ran upstairs.

Abigail followed up. She was worried about her three babies.

When they got upstairs, Giada was sitting on the sofa, reading a book.

And Boris was all tears on her side.

"Mom, why did you hit him?" Graciella wiped the tears from her son's face. "Baby, be strong. I don't want to hear you crying every day."