Chapter 630 Miss, Can We Talk?

"Mom, I lost the will to live. How did my son get to be like this?" Graciella was depressed that she was about to cry.

Jaida sighed and looked at Boris. "You must get rid of your bad habits!"

"No, Grandma. I feel good to be I am now." Boris looked quite reluctant to quit games.

Jaida lowered her head slightly and asked, "Boris, in addition to games, do you have any other hobbies?"

Boris tried to think of something, murmuring, "Hobbies..."

 Suddenly, his big eyes lit up. Boris said excitedly, "Grandma, I've got one! I like to tease Gia."

Jaida didn't know what to say.

Graciella lowered her head in dejection.

Jaida shook her head helplessly and said earnestly, "Boris, I will go to the supermarket later. What about we go together?"

"No, I don't wanna go. Papa said that the supermarket is not a good place for boys to hang out. I don't want to be girlish," Boris said confidently.

Jaida frowned. How could Graciella's husband educate Boris in this way?