Chapter 655 Have You Finally Met The Right One

Eden took a look outside the door. It was almost ten o'clock. Why hadn't Zofia come back yet?

She wondered if Buddy had gone there. No matter what, she still hoped that Zofia could forgive him soon.

Abigail glanced at Graciella. "Graciella, you should go up and rest. You've been with me all day today, and you must be tired. As for educating children, it's a lifetime problem. We can't solve it right now."

"a lifetime problem?" Graciella looked at her in surprise. If she needed to educate her son for her whole life, what fun would her life still be? She was not young anymore, so she still wanted to enjoy her life before she got too old.  

"Of course. Haven't you watched the popular TV series recently? It is a story about how a mom puts all her effort into educating her children, and she succeeded in the end. Both of her sons were outstanding and went to a top colleage."