Chapter 656 Only When People Were Alive Would Rationality Be Worthy

Graciella picked up a piece of biscuit and started to eat.  

The biscuit made a cracking sound when she bit it. 

They were so crispy and smelt so nice. 

Abigail also smelt and suddenly turned her head to look at Graciella.

"Hey! Are you going to eat them all by yourself? Haven't you seen me and Eden?"

Graciella said, "Get it yourself if you want."

"Pass me the jerky." Abigail looked at her and stretched out her hand.

"Good. Now I'm not the only one who would put weight on." Graciella smiled and handed over two packs of spicy jerky.

Then she looked at Eden and asked, "Eden, what do you want?"

Eden shook her head slightly. "I have eaten too much for dinner, so I can't eat anything now."

Graciella looked at her and shook her head slightly. "You are so thin. How did you even manage to give birth to the triplets?"

"This has nothing to do with being thin or not!"