Chapter 664 You Finally Admit That I Am Your Boyfriend

Eden smiled and looked at him. Their faces were very close to each other’s, and she could clearly see the expression of enjoyment on his face.

She knew that Victor was rich and handsome, and he was the dream of many women. However, he had never even looked at other women except for her, and he would do anything to just make her happy. 

She also knew herself very well. She was a person who wouldn't care about anything else if she got angry. 

"Victor, you really think very highly of me."

Victor felt his whole body was heating up as he held her in his arms, however, he still kept a straight and calm face. 

"You have no idea how charming you are." Then he lowered his head and pressed his lips onto hers.

Eden did not reject him. She just looked at him quietly with a smile on her face.

Victor's eyes were full of love as well, and the smile on his face was sweet enough to make Eden completely fall for him.