Chapter 665 I Will Tell You The Truth

Victor looked at Eden with his soft gaze, then he glanced out of the window and said with a smile, "Eden, I'll be happy if you're happy."

"What if I'm not happy?" Asked Eden.  

"Then I won't be happy either." She really had the magic to affect his mood.

Eden smiled. "You're just like Gia, who is only a child. But I feel that Gia is even more mature than you."

Victor smiled but didn't say anything. In fact, no matter how he felt like, he would always feel so happy when he was with her.

Eden checked the time again and felt more and more anxious as the time passed by. 

The traffic normally was really bad at this time in River City. 

She got up and looked at Victor gratefully. "Victor, thank you!"

If it were for him, she really didn't know what would she do for this. 

The other party had done this so openly, so they surely weren't scared that Victor would know who they were.