Chapter 666 Just Because What You Said

Victor put the phone away and said, "Write down the phone number that used to call you and we will check it later."

Ingeborg nodded. She could only do whatever they asked her to do.

"Eden, let's go," said Victor. 

"Yes." Eden smiled slightly. She had finally got the issue with Ingeborg sorted. She must have too many enemies now, who would only make things worse for her when she was already in trouble. 

Actually, she had always been cautious about one person, Myra Gienger. She was also a vengeful person. It seemed that she hadn't made a move for a long time, but that did not mean that she would not.

Looking at the two of them, Ingeborg felt great irritation surged up inside her. She had to admit that Eden really had something that she could even make Victor listen to her.

After walking into the elevator, Victor smiled and asked, "Eden, there is no recording in your phone, is there?"

Eden looked up at him surprisingly and then nodded. "How do you know?"