Chapter 674 She Lost Again

"Victor, are you having fun? It must be very exciting to do it in the office, isn't it?" Eden asked him with a sneer. There were still tears in her big clear eyes, and a bitter smile appeared on her face. 

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control her tears at all. Her heart ached like never before. She thought that she didn't care, however, she had already fallen deeply in love with him before she even knew when it had started. 

She should have turned around and left, but she could not control her legs eighter. 

Hearing her question, Victor felt as if a knife had stuck into his chest.

"What are you talking about? Do you not trust me?" He stared at her tearful eyes in a daze. He didn't want her to cry at all.

"Trust you? You were hugging each other. Are you saying that I'm blind?" She asked sarcastically. That bleak smile betrayed her feelings at this moment.