Chapter 675 He Is Less Attractive

Paulina glanced at Victor. Seeing that Victor didn't intend to answer her at all, she sighed and left silently.

When she just walked out of the office, she met Eden who came back with aloe vera in her hand.

Eden looked very calm. At this moment, she did not even seem to hate Paulina when she looked at her. 

Paulina raised her head and looked at Eden with contempt, "Eden, let's wait and see."

After that, she brushed past Eden, bumping her shoulder very hard.

"Paulina, you'd better stop doing such things like today. Don't think that we won't find out what you are doing behind our back," said Eden. 

Paulina paused slightly, then put on a sarcastic smile and walked off slowly.

Even if they knew it was her, she didn't believe that anyone could trace her even though it was Victor. 

When she walked to the elevator, she turned around suddenly and said, "Eden, you ruined my night today. How could you not leave when you saw that? You really have no shame at all."