Chapter 681 How Confident He Was

"Okay!" Buddy walked over and helped Grandma Clement get up.

Grandma Clement was old, and she couldn't straighten her back after sitting for a long time. She slightly bent her waist and walked with difficulty.

Wyatt's eyes were brimming with tears as he looked at her. His mother was really old, and she was no longer so spirited.

He made up his mind that he would bring Eden back as soon as possible. Grandma Clement must be very happy when she saw Eden.

Delmont suddenly approached Haven and smiled weirdly, "Haven, you didn't look well just now. What's wrong? Are you unhappy because Buddy and Zofia are together again?"

Originally, Haven was lost in thought. Hearing this, she immediately came to sense. She glanced at Delmont and shook her head with a smile, "Delmont, what are you talking about? Mom and dad will soon have a grandchild. I'm happy for them. Why should I be unhappy?"