Chapter 682 Are You Going To Give Me Pocket Money?

This time, even Delmont was somewhat stunned.

He looked at Victor with dissatisfaction, "Victor, when we were young, you always stayed  with Eden. Now we've grown up, but you are still so stingy to her. She seemed to be born for you."

Victor was amused when he heard this, "Buddy, you're right. Eden was destined to be mine when she was born. When she was young, I always hugged her and played with her. Can't she be mine after she grows up?"

Eden looked at Victor speechlessly. What the hell was he thinking about?

Did she have to be his?

Oh, why did he always mention such "intimate" things which had happened when they were young?

Delmont finally understood. He looked at Victor, raised his head and said, "I won't argue with you about this matter. Anyway, you have seduced Eden. My grandmother is back and she always talks about you. If you have time, go back to visit her."

Victor frowned slightly and thought of Grandma Clement's loving expression.