Chapter 712 My Fiancee Eden

It was said that people were particularly annoyed when they met their enemies. Paulina felt so bad when she saw Eden.

Eden also looked at Paulina. Paulina didn't look well, and she was not as energetic and bossy as she was last time.

Her face was very haggard, and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight in a short time.

When Paulina returned home that night, she was beaten by her father as soon as she entered her house, and her cheeks were swollen.

She had known that she would be beaten before she came back.

She was too embarrassed to go to work the next day, and she didn't dare to go out until that day. The swelling on her face had been reduced, but she was listless after being locked up for a few days.

That day, she was in a low spirit. During the meeting, she had been absent-minded and was severely warned by her leader.

Her father asked her to return ten million dollars to him in a year. How could she make so much money? dad?"