Chapter 713 Do I Need You To Remind Me?

However, Victor reached out and put his arm around Eden's waist naturally. Looking at her confused eyes, he said with a faint smile, "Eden, let's have a meal with Mr. Parma together."

When Eden heard this, she immediately refused, "But I have finished my meal. Although the food here is delicious, I am stuffed to the gills."

Moreover, she always felt that the way Ned looked at her was strange.

Victor looked at her and found that she burped sometimes. How much had she eaten?

This traditional dishes in this restaurant were indeed delicious. Recently, he wanted to bring her to eat here, but he didn't expect that her aunt had come here with her.

Victor said, "Then don't eat and just stay by my side."

Eden said, "What if I drool when I look at the yummy food?"

Victor said, "Eat if you want." His tone was extremely doting.

Eden said, "But I'm full now. I will feel very uncomfortable if I see them but can't eat them."