Chapter 729

Eden was confused by the message.

She didn't say she was sick. Why did Abby say that?

Eden: "Abby, I'm fine. I am now registering for marriage with Victor."

Abigail: "What?"

Eden: "To be honest, I don't know what's going on. I am muddled."

Abigail: "No, you are not muddled. You're willing. But what about the wedding? You shouldn't do that."

Eden: "What do you mean?"

Abigail: "I mean you need a wedding! Eden, sometimes you're too simple. You are deluded by Victor! I'm telling you, he married you but didn't want to take his responsibilities."

Eden was even more puzzled. It was just a marriage. Abby overreacted to it.

At Eden's house.

Zaiden and Jaida had already come back.

They chatted in the living room.

Zaiden glanced at the phone and saw a picture sent by Victor. He clicked to take a look.

"Gosh!" he exclaimed and his mobile phone fell from his hand.

Seeing that, Abigail guessed that Zaiden also knew the news too.