Chapter 730 It Was Not Fine

Victor rubbed Eden's head and smiled, "Eden, don't worry. We will definitely have a grand wedding."

Eden looked at him quietly with her bright eyes, "Victor, I don't care about this. What I care about is your seriousness and love to me."

Victor assured, "Honey, I won't let you down. Let's go to the River City Hotel for dinner now."

He started the car and went to the hotel.

He was going to have a big meal to celebrate his marriage.

Eden didn't want to spoil his good mood. Finally, she did not say what she was about to say.

It was rare for her to see Victor in such a happy mood.

Victor was a dream lover of many women. Being loved by such a good man, she felt very lucky.


Abigail called Jasper that she was coming. Then she took the elevator directly to his president's office.

Jasper liked simple and fashionable decorations. His office was also tasteful, just like him.

Abigail walked in and saw him work seriously, she giggled, "Jasper, I'm here."