Chapter 774 Anson has had an accident.

After hanging up the phone, Aisling was going to tell Victor what had happened when she saw Lucian walking out.

She hurried over. "Lucian, Anson has had an accident."

Lucian frowned and looked at her, "Mrs. Clement, take it easy, and tell me what happened."

Aisling briefly told Lucian what had happened.

Lucian also found it unbelievable when he heard it. He had always thought that Anson had not come to the auction because Anson had gone to accompany Abigail.

After all, Anson was very obsessed with Abigail.

He didn't think he had met with mishap.

Aisling looked at him, "Lucian, you go get the hotel video now. I'll keep an eye on Rebecca."

Lucian quickly nodded and said, "Mrs. Clement, you should be careful. Don't tell this to Victor. He's targeting eternal heart tonight. he rarely has anything he wants, so let him bid on it inside. I am on it."


Lucian said and ran to the elevator. As soon as the elevator door opened, he met two policemen.