Chapter 775 Got the eternal heart.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Victor.

Paulina nervously clenched her fist. Victor really came for the Heart of Eternity.

Haven looked at Victor with a face full of jealousy.

She couldn't understand why Victor was being so nice to Eden. She felt she was clearly better than Eden.

Why did he never like her?

Rebecca also looked at Victor and frowned slightly as she watched him make up his mind to bid.

Rebecca was wondering if the person he loved was Eden or not. The auctioneer had shouted in surprise.

"Forty-nine million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand dollars."

The bidding price instantly went up by almost twenty million dollars.

Everyone was instantly in an uproar.

And the lady who bid before looked at Victor in shock as he raised the price so much. His determination to buy this was even stronger than hers.

However, she could only afford thirty million dollars.