Chapter 792 You Should Have Slapped Her More Fiercely

Summer sneered and slightly moved her crossed legs, "Director Bleu, you are too young. I have known Tillie for ten years, and I know her very well. I don't want anyone to comment on my wedding with bad words. I care about my wedding very much."

Hearing this, Eden understood what she meant. Summer was popular, but there were many people who disliked her. Many people slandered her on the Internet. Of course, nothing could go wrong in her wedding. However, Eden was well-prepared. 

She smiled, "Miss Shriver, I know what you are worried about, so let's not look at these design drafts anymore. I have some other wedding dresses for you. I picked these styles for you. If you are not satisfied, there are some others styles in my phone."

Saying this, Eden swiped open her phone and showed the pictures to Summer.

Summer did not speak. Instead, she took her phone and took a look.

Eden looked at her expression with a smile in her eyes, and she was very confident.