Chapter 793 Where Is My Wife?

Eden smiled faintly. Her natural and pure temperament was as remarkable as a white orchid at the bottom of the deep valley. She looked so charming and delightful.

"During this period of time, many people frame me. I didn't expect that they would hate Haven more." Eden said with a smile.

In fact, there was no need to care about these comments online at all.

However, sometimes it would get her friends involved, so she had to care about it.

Eden's long eyelashes fluttered slightly. Her white and flawless face was a bit rosy because she was happy. Her red lips were as delicate as roses.

"Amelia, we have a lot of things to do now, but we can't let down our guard. Do you know how much the wedding dress is?"

Amelia shook her head quickly, "Director Bleu, I haven't seen your offer yet."

Eden raised her eyebrows with a chuckle. There was a faint smile in her clear and bright eyes, "Three million dollars."