Chapter 804 I Have Talked To Her

Abigail nodded, "Jasper, I know that he needs time, but you know my character well. I will lose my patience easily. I am afraid that the relationship between him and me can't weather the storm. Anson is a very good man. Joziah can't even be compared with him. Joziah only loved my money, but Anson loves me. He loves me sincerely."

She compared Joziah with Anson, so she had different feelings and realized that she also liked him.

In order to protect her, he had been injured twice, and she was deeply touched in heart. 

Especially last time, he could not hold on any longer, but he didn't want her to be hurt and protected her at the critical moment.

Looking at her, Jasper smiled and instantly understood what she was thinking, "Abby, if you really fall in love with him, no matter what he is like now, you will think about him. Both of you and Anson need some time."

Abigail nodded. These days, she stayed at home and had accepted the fact.

She needed time, and so did Anson.