Chapter 805 Had Made Arrangements In Advance

He always showed great discernment in his choice of people, and Mark was indeed very capable.

Mark said with a serious look, "Mr. Skye, I've got some information. Miss Joye will have dinner with Director Shaprio at the restaurant opposite her company tonight. The dinner will start at 6 o'clock."

Anson looked away slowly and looked at Mark, "Which Director Shaprio?"

Mark said, "Mr. Skye, Director Shaprio of SB Company."

Anson picked up his phone and searched on the information about Director Shaprio.

After reading several pieces of news in a row, he frowned.

He looked up at Mark and said, "Mark, go there and have a look in person. Confirm their table and then order a secluded table for me. Along as I can see them."

Mark nodded and said seriously, "Mr. Skye, I happen to know the general manager of their company. I'll confirm it right now."

"Mm! Call me directly after that. You don't have to come to pick me up and you can go off work directly." Anson said.