Chapter 825 Bad News

After arranging everything, Kenny went to school.

Jaida, Zaiden, Graciella, and Eden sitting in the living room looked bad.

Jaida was worried looking at the comments that scolded her son.

She looked at Zaiden with a worried face and asked, "Zaiden, what should we do now? People are misled by Rebecca. Shameless woman."

Zaiden comforted her with a smile, "Don’t worry, it's just the beginning. Victor has his consideration. I told him if he’s short of money, I can support him. He knows how to deal with it. We should trust him. He has the ability."

Jaida nodded. She could do nothing but trust Victor.

Eden felt shocked about her father's confident expression. Had he already came up with countermeasures?

She said angrily, "Does Rebecca think she can get everything by doing so?" 

Graciella sneered, "Eden, you don't know her. She has a lot of vicious artifices." After a while, she sighed and suggested, "Anyway, Victor will solve this. Does anyone want to go shopping?"