Chapter 826 Someone Behind Her

Hearing Justin’s words, Rebecca stood up immediately and smacked her hand down onto the table. She shouted, "You idiot! What can you do? You useless dog can't do anything at critical moments!" She had just sat on the acting chairman's seat, and such a destroy had happened. How could she deal with it? 

Justin looked guilty. He was so resigned to his loss again.

"Madam, I've tried to crack the virus several times. But it's a foreign IP address, I can't crack it." He had been paying attention to this IP address and checking it for many days, but still had not found the hacker.

"A foreign address?" Rebecca thought for a while and asked him, "Why? I don't know any people abroad. Why do they do this?" She thought it would be done by Victor.

But now seemed it wasn’t done by Victor.

However, no one would attack their website except Victor.

She roared angrily, "D*mn Victor, you’ll pay for it!"

She then pulled her bag over and walked out of the office quickly.