Chapter 829 How Could It Be Empty?

He got back to the car as fast as he could. From the corner of his eye, he saw a black car not far away, and then he smiled coldly, "Adonis, let's go."

Adonis put his foot down and the car roared away from the Alwynn family.

At the same time, Rebecca and Vincent's car had just turned the corner, and they missed Victor.

Rebecca quickly opened the door, got out of the car and went straight to Phillip's study.

Vincent followed her closely.

Rebecca's gloomy eyes lit up excitedly as she looked at the safe in the corner.

Vincent smiled with gratification. All his hopes were in the safe.

He asked immediately, "Mom, do you know the password?"

Rebecca looked back at him, "Should we use the password? It should be opened by your father's fingerprint. When I went to the hospital, I recorded his fingerprints just in case. Now it finally comes in handy."

She smiled proudly, "Phillip, you've been dominating the business world for so many years, but you're no match for me."