Chapter 830 Got Nothing In The End

Jaxon said, "Chairman Alwynn found that some of the funds went missing for no reason, and he has been investigating this matter, but he had an accident after he had just got a little information." Jaxon's words were meaningful.

Rebecca's face was pale. She could not accept such a result.

The capital chain was broken, and she could not transfer Phillip's shares, which was a severe blow to her.

She really had no way to explain to the directors.

She had planned for so many years and even did something illegal, but she got nothing in the end.

This was not the result she wanted. With an indifferent expression, Rebecca felt extremely helpless and turned a blind eye to everything around her.

"Ah..." She stepped back a few steps.

"Mom." Vincent held her with a worried face. At this time, he was totally at a loss. His face was gloomy and angry, as if he were going to kill someone.

He didn't expect his father to be on guard against them.