Chapter 865 He Was Always Dumped

Both of them didn't speak, and Adonis glanced at them with displeasure. Lucian was driving and only focused on the road ahead, ignoring Adonis completely.

There was a faint and evil smile on Brian's handsome face, "Adonis, love can't be forced."

"What? Anson asks for it. When he had a chance to be in love, he shouldn't have been too stubborn. He should accept Abigail bravely so that he could be with her. Look at him now. He is listless and depressed all day long. He clearly likes Abigail so much, but he has to refuse her. Does he deserve her sincere heart?" Adonis said excitedly as he gestured.

He came here to see Anson every day and saw him sitting by the window and looking outside with his face full of melancholy, affection and pain.

The maple tree outside the window was gradually yellowing, just like the extinguishing hope in his heart.

Looking at his lonely back, he really felt distressed.