Chapter 866 Happy Birthday

Adonis looked a bit wronged and pouted slightly. He looked at Lucian's handsome side face and suddenly asked curiously, "Lucian, Brian, why don't you have beard?"

Lucian said, "We're talking about you. Don't interrupt us. If you don't correct your shortcomings, I'm afraid that your mother will never have a grandchild in the rest of her life."

Hearing this, Adonis immediately asked, "How do you know this? She said like this yesterday."

Lucian was speechless. He always knew this. 

"Adonis, I thought you would be dispirited. Now, I realize that you are just simple and careless. You are a good man, and you deserve to have a nice girlfriend, but you have to change your bad habit first, which is that yo're always not discreet." Lucian said with a smile.