Chapter 883 Zofia Has Forgiven Me

Eden put the orange juice on the table, looked at Victor and said with a smile, "Victor, the rich live a good life." She always knew that the rich lived a very luxurious life. The Gienger family was a well-off family, but there was a vast difference between them and Victor.

Victor reached out to hold her waist and looked at her with lazy and casual eyes, "If I remember correctly, you're a rich lady."

Eden smiled and nodded quickly. Her tone was a little excited as she said, "I am indeed a rich lady now, because I married you and own your property legally."

Who didn't love money? She loved it, too!


"Ha-ha..." Victor chuckled, "You finally know this."

He turned his body slightly and looked at her with a faint smile, "Eden, do you like this place? When you were young, your wish was to see the stars while lying on bed. There is a glass room on the third floor. In summer, you can watch the stars while lying on bed."