Chapter 884 I\'m Not Jealous

Buddy replied, "Eden, during this period of time, you have been taking care of Zofia. Thank you. I bought a lot of snacks you like and put them in your room. I took away Zofia's things. I will come back to see you when I have time. Zofia can't bear to leave you. She said that the days together with you were very happy."

Eden's eyes widened slightly when she saw this. Zofia had moved out so quickly.

Then she smiled faintly. Buddy must be very happy. Zofia had finally forgiven him. He must be eager to live with Zofia.

After being with Victor, she could understand Buddy's feelings.

Eden said, "Buddy, take good care of Zofia and my future nephew. Send me an address and I'll go there to accompany Zofia on weekends."

"Okay! But Eden, mom gave Zofia so much money as a red packet. I think that's the dowry she prepared for you. She must be very sad now. Send her a message to comfort her later."

Eden was speechless. Why would her mother be reluctant to give the money to her grandson?