Chapter 886 We Must Succeed

She didn't like to quarrel. She always thought that arguing crazily was not elegant.

Many women had fragile hearts. That was why she never hid her true feelings. She always spoke with great frankness.

"Eden, I..."

Eden interrupted him, "If you trust me, you trust Jasper. I can guarantee that Jasper is of excellent character. He will never do what you have imagined."  

Victor's eyes darkened a little when he heard this. Did she trust Jasper more than him?

"Eden, you trust Jasper very much." He stared at her, not missing any trace of emotion on her face.

Eden looked at him quite helplessly. If Victor kept going like this, they would definitely quarrel one day.

She said sincerely, "Victor, he and I are friends, so we trust each other."

Victor moved away slightly, did not speak anymore and started the car.

The trust between friends?

It seemed that he was out of his mind due to jealousy.

"Eden, I'm sorry!" He felt guilty and did not dare to look into Eden's eyes.