Chapter 887 It\'s Not Too Late To Feel Sad

Rebecca was surprised. Ever since Anson had an accident, Adalynn had been hiding in her room and refusing to come out. She looked at Adalynn with distress, "Adalynn, have you come round?" There was an irrepressible excitement in her tone.

Adalynn nodded lightly, "Mom, I've got the right idea. It is because of me that Anson has become like this. I want to apologize to him and take care of him for a lifetime."

Rebecca's face suddenly darkened to the extreme when she heard this. Was this her so-called right idea?

"Adalynn, you're crazy! Anson is now disabled! He is a good-for-nothing. Why do you still like him?"

She knew that Anson used to be elegant and charming, but he had become a good-for-nothing.

Being with a disabled man, no matter where Adalynn went, she would be laughed at by others.