Chapter 908 Did You Really Do That?

Seeing that everyone was immersed in the sorrow of losing Eden, she could not bear but come over.

As soon as she went out, Abigail parked the car in front of her.

She smiled bitterly, "Hop in."

Graciella also smiled and get in the car.

She asked, "Did you tell Jasper?"

Abigail’s hands held the steering wheel tightly. She shook her head and said, "No. He’s on a business trip. I am afraid that he will not be able to accept such a whammy. He called me today, said that he felt uneasy, and asked about Eden and the kids. He had a hunch. After all, he loves Eden deeply. But I didn't tell him the truth."

"If I did, he might have come back."

Graciella forced a smile, and her eyes were moist. She looked at Abigail and said, "Why didn't we have a hunch? We could have gone with her, or stopped her." If she and Abby had accompanied Eden at that time, Eden would not have been in such trouble.