Chapter 909 Are You Insane?

"Are you insane? Are you afraid that others won't hear you?" Rebecca couldn’t do anything with her stupid son.

This was not the time to assign blame. It was time to solve the problem.

Vincent lowered his head slightly and glared at his mother in front of him. "Listen, Mom, I don't object to you fiddling with the stocks. But that’s two lives! You can’t wrap flames in paper."

"Shut up. I told you it’s none of your business. You take care of the company. That’s all." Rebecca turned around and walked into the room.

At this moment, she was also burning with anxiety. She hoped that Alex could fix everything so that she wouldn't need to worry about anything.

She always had the courage to pursue and possess anything she wanted without restraint, using all her passion. This was her, who never flinched.

"How can I manage the company with ease? Didn't you hear what Graciella said? She has found evidence of what we did to Dad! How did she find it? Didn’t we close all the monitors at home?"