Chapter 929 He\'s so brave.

Victor glanced at him expressionlessly and said, "It will all be over tomorrow morning."          

Lucian understood what he meant. Everyone in River City would know tomorrow that Vincent and Adalynn were not the chairman's biological children.

"It seems Vincent must be in a great deal of confidence to be in such a hurry to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders." Lucian said.

Victor sneered, "The reason he's so confident is because the Witlock Group still has the shares that Rebecca transferred to him. So it will be a good opportunity to take back all the shares tomorrow. The Alwynn family has raised them for nothing for so many years, and it's time to kick them out. "

If his dad woke up and knew about this, would he feel like his whole life was just a joke? He abandoned his kind wife and biological children only to raise someone else's children for 20 years.

Even he thought it was a joke.