Chapter 930 Please don\'t blame me.

Lucian frowned as she walked away, wondering why she looked afraid of him every time she saw him.

He shook his head in puzzlement and went back to his work with a blank look on his face. 

Amelia ran back to the office like she was on the run. She leaned against the door with a flushed face and patted her chest. Why was it that every time she saw Lucian's dark eyes, her heart would beat faster with nervousness.

She took a deep breath to relax herself.

It' s rumoured that Lucian hates women as much as Victor does. It seems to be true. After all, in all the time she had been working for the company, she had never seen any woman visit them, and they looked at other women with a look of disgust. Could a man like that ever get a wife? 

Amelia was thinking about it and feeling wrong. For Victor was married to Eden.