Chapter 969 Why Don\'t You Go To See Eden?

She had thought about this a long time ago, but she didn't dare to take actions because it was Victor's company.

After all, Victor was not easy to deal with.

Rebecca had been sentenced to death, and what Alex had done before had been exposed. The people he had offended before all kicked him when he was down. In the end, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Even they had failed, so she naturally had to be more careful. She could not be as stupid as them.

Haven was very anxious. If Jotham Alwynn Group developed like this, it would go bankrupt even if she got Clement Group.

Alwynn Group was accelerating. All the good designers from all over the country only wanted to work in Alwynn Group.

She worked as Tillie's assistant in fear, and she couldn't make any achievement.

Victor had not given up pursuing her grandmother's case, and he had been pressuring her aunt, so she didn't dare to do anything else.