Chapter 970 Took Off Eden\'s Oxygen Mask

She hesitated for a while. With an uneasy mood, she pushed the door open and went into the ward.

Aisling was alone in the ward, and she was reading poems for Grandma Clement. Grandma Clement liked old songs and poems, so Aisling read for her every day.

Aisling and Victor took care of Eden by turns, and she was happy to look after Eden in person. 

Grandma Clement was old, and she was not as strong as young people. She had been lying on bed quietly.

Zofia had given birth to a healthy boy, but Aisling had no time to come back and have a look.

She wanted to see her grandson, but she couldn't leave the hospital.

She could only ask Zofia's mother to take care of Zofia during her confinement in childbirth, and she felt guilty, so she called Zofia's mother to thank her everyday!  

"Mom." Haven called her softly.

Aisling was slightly stunned and then looked back at Haven, who had not appeared for a long time.

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became a little cold.