Chapter 1091 Let\'s Divorce.

After watching Malcom leave, Haven looked at Vincent with dissatisfaction. "What are you doing here instead of going out with those women? You never cared about me, didn't you? In your mind, you and I are nothing more than strangers. Since when have you ever cared about me?"

Vincent stared at her angry face. "Haven, you've changed. You usually don't treat me like this. Why do I feel like you just don't love me anymore?"

Haven sneered at him. Malcom could make her dreams come true, while Vincent could do nothing for her.

He would just make her angry and would just disgrace her.

He was really not as good as Malcom.

"If you have anything to say, just say it and leave. I've just started my company and have a lot to do." Haven looked ruthless.

Looking at Malcom's expression as he left, she felt very upset deep down.