Chapter 1092 Haven Has Betrayed Him.

Haven sneered at Vincent. "You said I deserved it, too. It's not that I'm not satisfied, but that we're really not the right couple."

Vincent mockingly looked at Haven with an incomparably sharp gaze, "That's not what you said when I left the Alwynn Group and you and I went to live at the villa."

It seemed that this cunning woman was plotting for his shares at that time.

Vincent snorted and turned to leave.

As he passed by Haven, he suddenly saw the hickeys on Haven's neck. He frowned slightly and tore her collar open hard to find more hickeys on her body.

Vincent was filled with monstrous anger.

"Vincent, what are you doing?" Haven pulled her collar back angrily.

She was suddenly a little nervous because he, the scumbag, was surely familiar with the look of a hickey and would know what it meant.

These days, Malcom has been madly having sex with her in various ways. However, she damnedly liked this feeling.

Her body and spirit were both immensely satisfied.

Vincent sneered.