Chapter 1162 You Will Get Your Retribution One Day

Melissa started at the video and was about to have a nervous breakdown. 

Jasper actually took a video and recorded what had happened. Her imagine had been ruined completely.

She was arrogant, wilful and rude indeed. However, people didn't think that she had a vicious heart, and she was not so bad among those daughters of rich families. She could do whatever she wanted, and no one dared to stop her.

In fact, only she herself knew how malicious she was. She would be very angry if she couldn't get what she wanted, and she would risk her life to get it. Even if she had to pay some price, it didn't matter.

In order to get Victor, she would do anything.

"Ha-ha..." Jasper laughed indifferently again. His eyes were always gentle, but there was not a trace of warmth in his eyes at this time.

It was the first time that Lucian had seen him like this.