Chapter 1163 Their Apology Seemed So Insincere

Before she found him, she never dared to revisit the place full of their memories, for fear that the scene would remain the same, but only the person she loved was gone.

She was most afraid of missing him alone late at night and not getting a response, and that her beloved one will suddenly disappear from her life one day.

It was like a nightmare, and when she woke up, she felt more pain. She never wanted to experience such a thing again.

Hearing Brian's words this evening, she almost broke down.

It was hard to imagine how selfish a person could be.

She could only get comfort from her Eden, but those warm memories could no longer support her. She was like a fish that had lost its water and was on the verge of death.

There were few quarrels between her and Victor.

He had spent 20 years waiting for her. How many 20 years was there in his life?