Chapter 1164 Eden, I Am with You All the Time.

Eden blinked in confusion and walked weakly to the bathroom again.

Victor didn't see her when he came back. When he heard a sound in the bathroom, he was assured to sit on the sofa and wait for Eden to come out.

When Eden came out, she scratched her head with one hand and pouted her pale lips slightly. She muttered to herself with some chagrin, "What did I forget? What did I want to do just now?"

Hearing her whispering, Victor asked, "Eden, what's wrong?"

Eden looked at him and shook her head, but the expression on her face remained puzzled, "Victor, did I just say something? I didn't remember that."

Victor was a little nervous as he remembered that the doctor had said she had a mild case of depression.

Eden suddenly smiled and pointed at the cup on the table. "My memory is really getting bad. I poured myself a cup of water. It's hot so I want to drink it later. But I forgot about it as soon as I turned around. No wonder I felt like I'm forgetting something."