Chapter 1165 I\'ll Be Back in a Week.

Melissa thought to herself sarcastically that she was indeed being whimsical.

But how would she know if it would work without trying?

She loved him so much that she fell in love with him from the first moment she saw him in the photo and then could never forget him.

"Victor, if only I could have met you earlier?" She mumbled sadly to herself.

It was more painful than ever before.

"Victor, falling in love with you made me live in heaven, but after losing you, it made me live in hell. Didn't you say you wanted to settle a score with me? Why don't you just kill me, and I might not suffer so much."

Melissa was heartbroken to look at Victor's god-like photos.

Melissa broke down and burst into tears.

Carney, standing outside the door of the room, heard his daughter's cries and his heart ached as if he was being cut by a knife.

He wished his daughter had never met the man called Victor.

Being in heaven or hell is all in a thought.

It was an unbearable pain for his daughter.