Chapter 1236 The Most Handsome Child Actor In A Country

She was too busy that night, so she did not watch the TV drama.

"Ricky, don't be sad anymore. Go to bed first. You have to go to school tomorrow, right? When you come back from school, I'll watch it with you." Eden coaxed Ricky softly. She felt so sorry for him that day.

Ricky nodded and looked at Eden with a smile, "Mom, I'm not upset anymore. You came to see me as soon as you came back, and I'm so delighted."  

He was really happy at this time. If Eden went back to her room directly, he would be sad.

"Brat, your mom and I can accompany you to watch it tomorrow, right? Why do you have to be so depressed?" Standing at the door and looking at Ricky's downcast face, Victor smiled dotingly.

As the three children grew up, they became more and more eye-catching. 

It was said that a girl changed fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood, and Gia became more and more beautiful. It was really a pity that Gia didn't want to be an actress.