Chapter 1237 You Cheat On Each Other

Eden and Victor woke up with a start. Eden immediately sat up. Victor was still in a daze and didn't want to get up.

"Dad, mom, are you awake?"

It was Kenny's voice.

"Oh, Kenny, come in." Eden got out of bed, put on a coat and opened the door.

Kenneth came in, only to see that Eden was still in her pajamas, and Victor was lying in bed.

He felt a little guilty, "Mom, change your clothes before coming out. It's cold outside. We'll talk about it after you come out."

Eden frowned. She knew that Kenny would not knock on their door early in the morning for no reason. Something must have happened.

"Kenny, what happened?"

Kenny picked up his phone and looked at the time, "Mom, I have to go to school an hour later. Come out quickly."

After that, Kenny turned around and left with no expression on his face.

Eden was stunned. Why did Kenny become more and more indifferent? Was it because she was too busy recently and ignored his feelings?