Chapter 1264 Let\'s Make Everything Clear Before You Leave

However, Sandra would not let her go so easily. She clearly heard what Dean said. Instead of begging Eden, she would rather let everyone know what Alwynn Group did so that they would not dare to do anything anymore.

She could also ruin Eden's reputation. There was nothing she worried about anyway.

"Eden, don't go. Let's make it clear here. I am the one who has offended you, not my family. Why are you doing this to my family?" Sandra took a few steps and blocked in front of Eden. 

There were some reporters around them already. This kind of breaking news was not very easy to see. Victor’s mistress was fighting with Victor’s wife, this would surely blow the whole internet up.

The reporters would never miss this. The onlookers around them also began to take pictures with their phones.

Hearing this, Dean was also a little angry. He finally understood what this shameless woman wanted to do. She wanted to ruin Eden.