Chapter 1265 Blinded By Them

"Shut up. If I had listened to him, I would have done it long ago." Sandra did not regret it at all.

After what happened just now, she believed that it would more or less damage Eden's reputation.

She didn't say it clearly, but the media must have figured it out. 

"Let's go. We will wait and see." Sandra smiled coldly. She did not believe that she couldn't take Eden down. 

Her assistant shook her head helplessly and walked after her. It seemed that she could start looking for a new job after this. 

When they walked through the crowd, people were all talking about them, but Sandra did not seem to care at all. 

Eden and Victor also returned to their car, but Eden had not said anything to him.

Victor knew she was angry. He finally made up with her. Now everything was ruined by that woman. 


Eden glanced at him indifferently. He immediately stopped.
