Chapter 1313 Losing the Beloved One was So Heartbreaking.

"Well, Victor, you're going too far by doing this. She's the woman who's speaking out for you. Wouldn't it seem insensitive of you to just fire her?" Eden looked at Victor with a smile.

Victor was speechless at her worry.

Besides, he hadn't asked the woman to speak for him.

"Eden, I don't even know her, so who is she to speak for me?" Victor was a little exasperated.

Irma looked embarrassed.

Eden thought he spoke so straightforwardly that it would really piss people off.

"Honey, I can't let you be wronged under my nose."

Eden smiled brightly with her eyes sparkling, "Dear, I haven't been wronged."

Eden looked at Victor and blinked her beautiful eyes. Under the bright light, her smile was so dazzling and charming.

Victor also blinked his dark eyes as if he had been influenced by her.

"Okay, honey, I'll do whatever you want." Victor couldn't help but nod.

Sean wondered if this man was still the Victor he knew.

Eden really has him whipped!

How amazing!!!