Chapter 1314 Boring.

Adonis went in with his takeaway and Lucian had already gone to the bathroom, where the sound of running water could be heard.

He put all the food on the table, and waited for Lucian to come out for lunch while using his phone.

He saw Candace sending him a message early in the morning, and he instantly felt in an overwhelmingly good mood. These past few months, he always looked forward to hearing from her. They would chat almost every day, talking about idle chit-chat, but they both still enjoyed it.

"Mr. Church, I failed on my twentieth blind date. :("

Adonis was speechless. In these few months, she went on blind dates twenty times.

Adonis felt unhappy for some reason.

However, upon seeing that her blind date had already failed, he felt a strange sense of comfort.

Adonis pursed his lips slightly and stared at the message. He did not like her to go on blind dates. What should he say?

After a while, he replied, "Why did it fail this time? Was that man bad?"